After spending the entire afternoon at Starbucks working on that never ending to-do list of mine, I finally feel satisfied that this has been a semi-relaxing but mostly productive day. Now with my eyes dry, stomach complaining, its rather difficult to write something fun or entertaining. So I give you this:

As we grow older, so many memories are buried under new ones. We become so consumed in our own life and our own experience that sometimes we forget about the people who once mattered so much to us, and all of their stories that once fascinated us. I couldn't help but wonder, how important is our past? If our past makes us who we are today, when we are losing it, are we losing ourselves?
---From my journal folder, July 3rd, 2008
As we grow older, we accumulate all kinds of experience. Everything and everyone that once was and is in life becomes part of us, regardless if you remember them or not. Inevitably, we cannot distinguish ourselves from the influences of the experience. So to answer your questions, our past is important, and no we never lose ourselves.