BBQ was lots of fun today, but I burned, just the upper back though. Silly me, not able to tell weather from the temporarily double taped curtain!! I thought it wouldn't be so sunny, therefore, I can cheat on my sunblock. Bad mistake.... Now, after 5 layers of cocoa butter and another thick layer of vitamin E mask, I'm finally done with the rescue efforts. A little tip for people who burn easily during summer: never use Aloe vera gel. Aloe vera is certain good for relieving redness and irratation, but most of the gel on the market have way too much alcohol to work. Moisturize. This is the only way to go.

Lately I've been browsing lots of home deco sites. Today, I followed my fav magazine for some really pretty prints but end up discovering this truly amazing artist: Bailey Saliwanchik. I looked through most of her stuff but unfortunately I can only find decent size image for a few. She is definitely worth checking out! I'm thinking of getting a print of Untitled below for my apartment, what do you think?
It was my bad, I should've offer you some sunscreen :P