先说人,再说事。 上周五在中央公园和G女士淋了个落汤鸡,还要赶回家梳洗再出发,全因之前介绍C和K认识,结果两个美女看对了眼,硬要我这中间人安排大家出来喝酒。结果酒过三巡两个人竟然同时向我发难。唉,好歹我在朋友圈里好脾气怕尴尬也是出名的,唯一的小毛病也就偶尔不接电话,没事放下鸽子。 可是对朋友的包容,我够自信。 当时打打哈哈也就混过去了,可回到家越想越气。当然,因为怕尴尬所以第二天还是假装没事的继续聊天,可心里想好了,很多事,以后不会对这两个家伙说了,没品。
周二的时候跟M小姐去David Burke Townhouse吃饭。完全爱上了这家店。东西好吃,摆盘漂亮,几个服务生更是殷勤的很,更重要的,我们是因餐馆周去的,他们还是一样的在点餐后上了amuse-bouche。有点受宠若惊。 酒足饭饱之后,两人喝茶闲扯的空档,M小姐说远看一个人很眼熟。定睛一看,原来是“黄金男孩”坐在吧台。 简单说这个名字的来历,叫他男孩其实他都快前秃了。所谓“黄金” 也毫无推崇之意,完全跟他拍马屁的功夫成正比。 当然,“黄金老男孩”凭他这点功夫也混到公司副总了,唉,这世道。
了解David Burke Townhouse的人应该都知道,坐在主餐厅,想不贴身经过吧台出门是办不到的。所以我们俩人啜着白茶,耗着时间想对策,最终还是被他看到了。 有点小尴尬的相认之后,我们出门前再次出于礼貌去打个招呼。很没缘由的,“黄金男孩”邀我们坐下喝一杯,很神奇的,M小姐竟然没拒绝。要知道,虽然他们依然是同事关系,M小姐平日里说起他都是翻白眼的,没事还要讥讽一下他努力藏着的南方口音之类有的没的。就这样,从香槟喝到香槟调酒(顺便说,他们家的bellini 很失望),看得出“黄金男孩”今晚心情不错,M一直追问他们几个白天在会议室里讨论什么重大机密,他也都是笑而不答。终于,趁M小姐去洗手间的时候,忍不住对我说,他今天辞职了。我吃了一惊,这家伙可是刚升副总没多久,加上公司上月刚做成了两个大案子,他又是拿佣金拿到手软,辞职???
正要多做祝贺之时,M小姐回来,大家有一搭没一搭的讨论着V的辞职。这时手机进条短信,C小姐正在下城跟V喝酒,就一句话, “走了仨?!?!?!” 嗨,每个人还一副国家机密的样子,我这早就离职的人,在几个小时之内就全知道了。 这个世界哪里还有秘密啊。 到这里,理一下头绪,一天之内,走了一个副总加两个分析员。对这等规模的公司,相当于8级地震。
对我这外人来说,这本都没什么影响。“黄金男孩”见我继续面不改色的喝着香槟,凑上前说,Coco 你知道你到现在都还是老板心中的最爱,我们都还是用你做过的东西来训练新人。假如老板知道你已经回到纽约的话,他会打爆你的电话邀你回来的。薪水嘛,更是三级跳哦。
说来好笑,这件事其实我早有所闻,M 姐姐说过,C 小姐提过,连跟D 吃饭的时候,他都不经意的谈到。当然,黄金男孩因为D的关系,对我的动向,也一直心里有数。 似乎全公司除了两个老板和那些没见过的实习生,我成了大家心照不宣的秘密。
一直没动心的,可现在? 说实话我知道可以很轻松的要到6位数薪金外加佣金,当时要走的时候他们已经开到接近这个数了,今时今日,更是不用说。 可是,值吗? 当我们的价值只能用薪金来衡量时,我真的可以确定我一整年的时间,只值这个数吗?
外加一句,那天晚上“黄金男孩”很有风度的揽掉了整张账单, 我偷瞄一下,我们三个喝掉了一个burberry的手袋。 有种感觉,人要离开了,变的比较坦诚比较绅士了。
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
- 晚餐去了Riingo,在Alex Hotel的一楼。 气氛,装潢,服务和菜品都是我爱的。前面的吧台旁边有装饰植物的落地窗和大沙发,很想坐在那里喝上一杯,下次吧。
- 工作邮箱搞定了。C小姐发来的第二个案子,一看下面联系人,原来是以前打过交道的。这个世界就这么小。
- I was flipping through old blog articles earlier. There was this short piece I wrote after coming back from the theater. Snow started to fall as I was walking through Time Square. The street was quiet and the weather bitter. All of a sudden it dawned on me how much I will dread this coming winter. Summer, with its sunshine and endless activities, is almost the season of happiness. All you need is a walk in the park, a quick trip to the beach or simply eating some frozen yogurt on a outside bench to feel alive. But winter is quite the opposite. For the past three years, the only thing that held me together through the cold days was the thought of a certain someone across the ocean. The thought alone was enough to make me feel content and strong. But now, what do I have to look forward to?
- Note to self: come winter, I don't want to feel lonely.
Friday, July 16, 2010
时间过的有点快,似乎直接从周一跳到周五。 昨晚去应酬顺便和C庆祝。 谈了这么久的事情终于开动了。记得星期一下午,我还懒懒的躺在沙发上等着L小姐去听歌剧,C发了个案子,我看看还说得过去,就说咱们做吧。下午查了点资料,了解了一下这个行业和两国目前的状态啊,法律啊等等。星期二一早CapitalIQ的单子就搞好了。周三给M 先生打了个电话,咨询一下,看来还是从浙江开始,资源最多,反正本来就是小试牛刀的。 周三晚上,两人澎湃了一个晚上,名字搞定了,网站也是。正式聘请D 小姐做设计。H 先生也来帮忙,tech的事,还得靠他。
今天起来晚了,本来要翻译点信息也没做。只是接了个面试,下周三。 我承认,打工上瘾。 C小姐和D小姐倒是麻利,一个把我的工作邮箱搞定了,一个发了6个样本给我们,连名片设计都包了。晚上,很神奇的,我和C小姐都没有局,两人在家继续邮件讨论。 6选1,再给点意见,也算圆满。 现在,就看本小姐的功力啦。 周末努力吧!
外带句题外话,晚上跟M姐姐在Smith & Wollensky 吃晚饭,临出门了,一个侍应生绊倒,两瓶可乐掉到地上直接反地心引力向上喷,我就当场狼狈了。 唉,脸皮薄的人,只好默默接过眼神惊恐的前台递来的浴巾,不好意思责备别人,吃个闷亏吧。
今天起来晚了,本来要翻译点信息也没做。只是接了个面试,下周三。 我承认,打工上瘾。 C小姐和D小姐倒是麻利,一个把我的工作邮箱搞定了,一个发了6个样本给我们,连名片设计都包了。晚上,很神奇的,我和C小姐都没有局,两人在家继续邮件讨论。 6选1,再给点意见,也算圆满。 现在,就看本小姐的功力啦。 周末努力吧!
外带句题外话,晚上跟M姐姐在Smith & Wollensky 吃晚饭,临出门了,一个侍应生绊倒,两瓶可乐掉到地上直接反地心引力向上喷,我就当场狼狈了。 唉,脸皮薄的人,只好默默接过眼神惊恐的前台递来的浴巾,不好意思责备别人,吃个闷亏吧。
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Sometimes I wonder if I will become these people that make others question, "what exactly do they do anyway?" So far this week, I had a business lunch at a nice little french restaurant on Monday. We talked about projects, films, life and the little bubble that we live in called new york city. On the same day, there was the concert in the park, a trip to the library and some serious search of the perfect french restaurant to go to with my girl friends.
I thought about Billy, possibly my favorite character from One Fifth Avenue. Will I become him someday? I wouldn't mind having such fine taste in art and all other things glamorous but I certainly wouldn't want to be lonely in the way that he is.
Having a career is important for many reasons other than money. Years ago, one of the few times that my dad accompanied me and my step mother at the time on a shopping trip, I remember he looked at us both and said, you guys will never understand money the way most people do. I think he's right. "Having seen too much" is a curse. I'm almost forced to know better. But that doesn't really stop me from desiring other things in life. I still have problems verbalizing it but it's along the line of career, job, and accomplishment.
So, in the light of been responsible to myself, I made a to-do list for this week. For an unemployed person, I can be surprisingly busy too. Sometimes I wonder why people have such blind faith in me, but other times I take it as it is. Maybe I am every bit as good as they think I am.
I thought about Billy, possibly my favorite character from One Fifth Avenue. Will I become him someday? I wouldn't mind having such fine taste in art and all other things glamorous but I certainly wouldn't want to be lonely in the way that he is.
Having a career is important for many reasons other than money. Years ago, one of the few times that my dad accompanied me and my step mother at the time on a shopping trip, I remember he looked at us both and said, you guys will never understand money the way most people do. I think he's right. "Having seen too much" is a curse. I'm almost forced to know better. But that doesn't really stop me from desiring other things in life. I still have problems verbalizing it but it's along the line of career, job, and accomplishment.
So, in the light of been responsible to myself, I made a to-do list for this week. For an unemployed person, I can be surprisingly busy too. Sometimes I wonder why people have such blind faith in me, but other times I take it as it is. Maybe I am every bit as good as they think I am.
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