Sunday, February 28, 2010

In the light of spring

According to the Chinese calendar, it's been spring for almost a month now. Though the giant snowman on 74th street makes quite a counter-argument, I'm already planing a closet swap in the next two weeks or so to get myself out of this winter fashion slump.

Some random things I want for the spring (nothing trendy as I find many "must-have" pieces for this spring somewhat offensive).

Cotton-knit collar dress by Lela Rose

Outfit from Eryn Brinie
Need Supply Flower Applique Dress

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sometimes It's Good to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

But just for one night.......

Happy weekend!
And to the end of a rather short era.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Don't break bad news to people before bedtime ...

Don't make a business decision without your partner either. Not cool.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Think of a happy thought and say good night!

I've been having a hard time sleeping at night. Too many thoughts keeping me awake. Clair de Lune and Picture at an Exhibition are on repeat tonight. In the next life, can I meet a guy who would play Clair de Lune for me? As an anti-romance type, that is the sweetest thing I can think of. Unfortunately not in this life. Picturing my boyfriend's horrified face at such absurd request, Don't worry honey, I can live without it for now :)

The matching poem by Paul Verlaine:

Your soul is a chosen landscape
Where charming masked and costumed figures go
Playing the lute and dancing and almost
Sad beneath their fantastic disguises.

All sing in a minor key
Of all-conquering love and careless fortune
They do not seem to believe in their happiness
And their song mingles with the moonlight.

The still moonlight, sad and beautiful,
Which gives the birds to dream in the trees
And makes the fountain sprays sob in ecstasy,
The tall, slender fountain sprays among the marble statues.

Life is, whatever you feel like!

I saw a great play called The Pride tonight. It involves smoking on stage, drinking sparkling wine, a man having an affair with his wife's gay friend, a therapist giving his patient vomit inducing injection after forcing him to look at same sex pornography, two men acting out a passionate and slightly violent sex scene, and one of the two guys' naked butt.

All in all it was entertaining yet thoughtful. My only question is, how did the old lady next to me manged to fall asleep and snore through half the play while all of the above were happening???

To Fashion Week:

If you ever want to look like a horse.....

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It's better to paddle your own canoe

Mozart, Mass in C major, k317, Coronation and Edwin Penhorwood, An American Requiem, both memorable but the rest of the program was boring at best. Thank god I had so much on my mind and good company who thought even reading the playbill was more fun than listening to that....Jersey choir boys, go back to where you from pleaaaaaaaaase!

Nothing else is worth documenting, yes my reader(s?), I'm experiencing writer's block.

One last random story before bed: After a big "disagreement", it's nice to send flowers. But if the two people in war, wait, I meant disagreement, are separated by an ocean, some Miyazaki potted plants can bring a smile out too.

From the idiot who sent picture flowers...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Theater Buddy

The story is simple. I like the theater. G likes the theater. No one else around us like the theater. With that said when we finally met through a mutual friend, it was an instant click. (sparkly eyes sparkly eyes!)

The first time was charming. She picked The Fantasticks, witty yet heartfelt.

When it was my turn to pick, of course I went for the one play that I have been dying to see, I mean, who would not want to see "an exploration of life in the Jewish artists' ghetto created by the Naziz in the Czech town of Terezin during World War II"??

So we went, to the premier of The Sign of Life. There was me, my red swollen eyes from semi-controllable weeping and my new German friend......

Sunday, February 14, 2010


80后都奔三了。 最近听到这句话总是百感交集,有点想哭的悲壮。

没人能懂。 记忆中的一些碎片,曾经的憧憬,以前的未来。 每个时代有每个时代的标志,翻着三毛,听着范晓萱长大的小孩,曾经在课桌下看新概念作文选,为一些只有那个年纪才会心痛的安妮宝贝的文字而心痛。 迷恋过咖啡,甚至迷恋过涅磐这两个字。 有过无数个写不满的笔记本,甚至带锁的那一种。 曾经感叹韩寒,看着他直觉得我们的未来更加光明。 当然,那时我们还年轻,年轻到只会用互联网上九城,聊天,看卫斯理,年轻到90后还不存在。

不知不觉地,一切都变了,不再有时间为生活中的小情节唏嘘感叹,不再把喜欢的东西抄在笔记本上,没有时间去感觉,因为生活要么激情,要么混沌,反正冷漠是必需品。 唯一过去留下的痕迹只有名字,懂的人自然会懂,不懂的更不必解释。

一直是这样,心安理得的接受着变化,却不曾想,这都是长大的标记。 直到听到这句话,原来, 曾经最年轻的一代已经迈向中年了。 该成名的都出名了,该成家的都抱孩子了,大家开始给压岁钱了,开始讨论如何养父母了,韩寒说,“以前的媒体总是批评80后,可现在你听不到这样的声音,因为现在的媒体都是80后了。” 十年一瞬间,我们的社会角色都变了。

说了这么多,还是找不到想哭的原因。 难道是在感叹抓不住的时间吗?省省吧。


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

For the longest time, I was fully convinced that nobody actually care to read this blog. My bestfriend found this "girlie stuff" very uninteresting. My boyfriend went as far as blaming the internet block in china. Sometimes ago I watched this Elizabeth Gilbert speech. She talked about the pressure of the creative process, especially after one has achieved somewhat of a success. After securing one nearly regular reader who actually finds this blog funny, I FULLY understand what Elizabeth must be going through now! It is so much pressure to get to the next level. Oh my! What I have to do to get a second reader now?? What if my only irregular reader starts to find this boring?

Ok, maybe I'm over-analyzing the situation and it's definitely absurd comparing what I do here to the work of a professional writer. Still, its MY blog! I shall do whatever pleases me. Until then.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm smoking a cigarette. The last time i felt the need to smoke at home, was when I had to wake up at 5 am to study. The feeling of restlessness is back again, and much worse. Forget about the under eye wrinkle, theater events, restaurant week, or the movie script I was going to edit, I tell myself to calm down and re-prioritize. It is not the end of world, but the sense of urgency surely will get me going.

Thoughts Before Bed

A witty and cheerful play, great company, walking in the snow and catching time square at its quiet hour, it doesn't take more to make me happy.

Wish to wake up to a world covered in white, to a day off work and most sincerely, wish and pray the best for all the ones I care about in life.

For now I'm off to bed, wearing a bunny ring ;)