In the company of chicken finger, curly fries, and a large diet coke, I finally saw the sixth Harry Potter movie. Opps, did I forget to mention my friends? Let's hope Lil won't read this entry and think that chicken finger is her nickname or something ;)
I had my shares of disappointments with the Harry Potter films. Simply put, they are so bad in comparison to the books. No matter it's the lack of plot, the omission of important details and scenes, or the fact that the actor who plays Dumbordore never seems to get it right, I remember coming out of the theater after every movie, unsatisfied, angered, and secretly wishing the next one could be better.
That is, until now. Rather than watching badly selected badly executed "highlights" from the book, this film was good. Yes, the romance was cheesy and the absent of the final fight scene left many die heart fans protesting, but the film is still the best Harry Potter film to date. I laughed at the silliness of hormonal teenagers (when Ron drank the love potion?), gasped during the scene where Katie Bell got cursed by the necklace, and, almost cried when Dumbordore died. ( It seems that this actor finally understood the essence of Dumbordore....sadly its so late in the series)
Even more, I find myself reminiscing of the old days when I sleep with Harry Potter books on my chest. Back then, even when I had a bad day, I knew by night time, I can escape to the world of harry. It was fascinating, but more so, it was comforting.
I confess that I'm such a Harry Potter nerd I read the first six books at least 10 times each. The seventh book, I only read once. The truth is, the entire seventh book was such a disappointment that I gave it away the day after I read it. But now, half way through the film, I started counting all of the horcruxes, and by the end I was trying really hard to remember who R.A.B was. I even, as strange as it sounds, start to anticipate the final two films. Maybe its because that my Harry Potter days are far behind me that I want some kind of ending to that chapter of my life. Maybe, the success of the sixth film actually give me hope that the finale won't be so bad.
We never want to say goodbye, but sometimes, while you are resisting the moment, that part of life is slowly becoming your past.......